Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A Letter to my daughter on International Women's Day

To N
It seems pretty fitting, on International Women's Day, to write a letter to the single most important female in my life.
Being your mum is the greatest thing to ever happen to me, but it also fills me with responsibility for everything I want you to know about the world.
Because although you are "only" just seven (and still so amazingly child-like in everything you do), one day you will be a woman, and, as you mum, I have so many hopes and dreams for the life you will live and lead.
First, and possibly most importantly, know that you don't belong to anything or anyone. Never allow yourself to feel like you do. You – and only you – have total agency over yourself and your body.
Do what makes you happy; happiness and the ability to find joy in your days is so important.
Make friends and keep those friendships alive, they are important, not just when you are young, but throughout your life.
Be proud of being a girl and a woman. Women are amazing. (Men are too, of course, and although we are all equal, that does not mean we should not celebrate our differences too. I believe it's diversity and our differences that make us great.) You can be ALL woman and still rule the corporate world – should that be your dream. Just like a great man can choose to stay at home and raise his children every day. Do what sets your soul on fire.
Find joy in the little things. (You will soon enough see they are what really matters).
Don't take things for granted; your relationships, your health, your success. Work at them and they will flourish.
Make a difference in the world, and aim to leave it a little better than it was when you entered it, be it by having raised a healthy child, grown your own vegetable garden or fought for something you believed in.
I hope you will always love traipsing around the shops with me. Enjoy fashion – it is frivolous and fun and fabulous. But never let anyone tell you that labels define you. Not the ones sown into the back of your dress, nor the ones people are keen to put on you.
Don't let yourself be consumed with negative people and their negative energy.
Rise above pettiness.
Forgive your enemies – nothing will annoy them more. You don't have to respect them or even like them, but forgiveness will set you free.
Believe in miracles, little ones and big ones.
Be kind. Kindness will always breed kindness.
I hope you marry (or live in utter contentment with!) someone who makes you laugh – every day.
Also, don't let anyone dictate who you fall in love with. When you know it's right, it's right.
Cry all you want, crying does not make you weak.
Don't worry if you – as a woman  – sometimes feel underestimated. That is their mistake. Give it your best – and enjoy the look on their faces when they realise you are SO much more than they expected you to be.
Strive to succeed, but never feel like a failure for giving up on something that simply doesn't work – be it a relationship, a work project or a marathon. That isn't being a quitter  – it is knowing deep down you gave it your best, and that is all you can do. Walking away from something is sometimes the most courageous thing you can do.
In a world increasingly obsessed with Kardashians and Jenners, I hope you'll be a Hepburn.
Beauty is what you want it to be, don't be too concerned with what other people tell you it is. And much as I obviously think you are the most beautiful creature that ever existed, I hope you will come to realise that it is your heart and your mind that will set the world on fire.
Having you has been the single most rewarding and amazing experience of my life, I hope you someday will get to experience the same joy/frustration/happiness/craziness/love and tiredness that children bring too. It is all worth it.
As your mum, as a woman, ultimately, I just hope when you are grown, that I have done my job right. That I have raised you with empathy, confidence, intelligence and grace.
The world needs more women like that.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Mohammad Nihad wins double victory

Mohammad Nihad, our plus one student has brought laurels to Silver Hills  in Shuttle Badminton Tournament for under in 19-35  senior category .He was the champion for the same category for the previous year too.Congrats dear Mohammad Nihad,  you made us proud.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Prakriti - A Lament for Nature


þ tdmko\ s_¶n -þ - XI A

CXm ]q¡sf Xgp-In, AcnInembv AW-ªp,
{]IrXn X³ \nizm-kamw hmbp
Poh-P-e-¯n Acp-hnbpw ]pg-Ifpw
ama-c-§fpw \nd-sªmco {]Ir-Xn......
Pohn-X-¯n³ Zni-Isf \nb-{´n¡pw
Poh-\n-izmkw X³ kz]v\ kmK-c-§Ä
Bgn-I-fn Pe ]c-h-Xm\n hoipw aÕy-§fpw
a\p-P-\mbv Cu {]IrXn.....
Fhn-sS, C¶o {]IrXn?
F§p-a-]-N-b-¯n³ he-IÄ hoipw
sI«n-S-§fpw tIm¬{Ioäv km[-\-§fpw am{Xw
CXp-X-¶tbm..... {]IrXn?
F¦nepw {]Ir-Xnsb sXm«p-WÀ¯p.
Imäpw hbepw s\¸m-S-§fpw.....
C\nbpw _m¡nbmw {]IrXn,
Acp-tX, \n§Ä X³ Icmf lkvX-¯mÂ

CBSE Secretary Joseph Emmanuel advises against moving to state schools after Class X

CBSE Secretary Joseph Emmanuel addresses principals at the Capacity Building Programme organised by the CBSE - Centre of Excellence, Kochi on 29 and 30 July. Reproduced from The Hindu.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Interview with Shahina Basheer, daughter of writer Vaikkom Mohammed Basheer at the Basheer Smriti programme

C½nWn sNdy tNmZy-§Ä


kmln-Xy-cw-K¯v Xtâ-Xmb hyàn-ap{Z ]Xn-¸n¨ alm-\mb kmln-Xy-Im-c-\m-bn-cp¶p ssh¡w apl-½Zv _joÀ. tImgn-t¡m-Snsâ kz´w t_¸qÀ kp¯m-\m-bn-cp¶ At±-l-¯nsâ A\p-kva-c-W-¨-S-§n hnZymÀYn-IÄ At±-l-¯nsâ aI-fmb {ioaXn jmln-\-tbmSv
tNmZn¨ tNmZy-§Ä.

1.     Fgp-¯p-Im-c³ F¶ \ne-bn _m¸-bn \n¶v e`n¨ {]tNm-Z-\-sa´mWv?
·        ""Fgp¯pImcn AsÃ-¦nepw Fgp-s¯-\n-¡n-jvS-am-Wv. ]s£ Fgp-Xm³ XpS-§p-t¼mÄ ämäsb-¡p-dn¨v (ämäsb¶mWv _m¸sb R§Ä hnfn-¡m-dv) Nn´n-¡p-t¼mÄ Fgp-Xm-\p-Å-sXÃmw ad-¡pw. F\n¡v icn¡pw t]Sn-bm-Wv.''

*    Abel Mani (VIII - A)

2.     ]nXmhp-ambn _Ô-s¸« ad-¡m-\m-Im¯ A\p-`-h-sa´v?
·        ""Iptd A\p-`-h-§-fp-­v. ämä FgpXpt¼mgpw R§-tfmSv kwkm-cn¡pam-bn-cp-¶p. A\p-`-h-§Ä [mcm-f-ap-­v. AsXms¡ Ct¸mÄ ]d-bm-\m-hn-Ã-tÃm.''

*    Joel (VIII - B)

3.     _joÀ kmln_v Hcp Adnbs¸-Sp¶ kzmX{´y kac tk\m-\n-bm-bn-cp-¶p. ]t£ At±-l-¯n\v cmjv{So-b-¯n Hcp Øm\w e`n-¡m-¯Xv F´p-sIm-­m-bn-cp¶p? At±-l-¯n\v XmÂ]-cy-an-Ãm¯XpsIm-­mtWm?
·        At±lw kzmX-{´y-k-a-c-tk-\m-\n-bm-bn-cp-¶p. ]s£ cmjv{Sobw At±-l-¯n\v CjvS-an-Ãm-bn-cp-¶p. I£n-cm-jv{So-b-¯n XmÂ]-cyhpw CÃm-bn-cp-¶p.

*    Naina Sithara (VIII - B)

4.     _joÀ kmÀ \sÃmcp kmln-Xy-Im-c\pw hmb-\-¡m-cpsS {]nb-s¸-«-h-\p-am-bn-cp-¶p. At±-l-¯nsâ \o­ bm{X-IÄ¡n-S-bn At±lw IpSpw-_-¯n\pth­n kabw Is­-¯n-bn-cpt¶m?
·        AsX. At±lw IpSpw-_-am-b-Xn\v tijw ho«n¯s¶ Ccn-¡p¶ Hcp AÑ-\m-bn-cp-¶p. kvIqfn \n¶v "AÑ-s\´m tPmen' F¶v tNmZn-¨m "Fgp¯v' F¶v ]d-bpw. As¶m¶pw  "Fgp¯v' Hcp tPmen-bm-bn-cp-¶n-Ã. B[m-c-sa-gp-¯mtWm ]Wn F¶m-bn-cp¶p tNmZn-¡m-dv. At±lw \sÃmcp ]nXm-hpam-bn-cp-¶p.

*    Abhirami T.M (VIII - B)

5.     ssh¡w apl-½Zv _jo-dnsâ IrXnIfn At±lw kz´w Pohn-X-sa-gp-Xn-bn-«p-­v. AXn At±lw Xsâ ktlm-Z-c-§-sf-¡p-dn¨pw ]d-ªn-«p-­v. AXnse Hcp hkvXpX CXm-Wv. At±lw Xsâ hr²-bmb D½bv¡v kvt\l-]qÀhw ]e km[-\-§fpw \ÂIpw. F¶m At±-l-¯nsâ ktlm-Z-c-§-fpsS ssIbn-em-WXv sNs¶-¯p-I. Ah-cpsS aäv a¡-fpsS ØnXn tami-am-sW¶v Icp-Xn-bmWv D½ AXv \ÂIp-I. Xsâ ktlm-Z-c-§Ä AsXÃmw kt´m-j-t¯msS hm§n ssIhiw shbv¡p-Ibpw sN¿pw F¶v At±lw ]d-bp-¶p-­v. Cu hkvXpX F{X-t¯mfw icn-bmWv?
·        CsXms¡ Rm³ P\n-¡p-¶-Xn-\p-ap¼v \S¶ kw`-h-§-fm-Wv. ämä hnhmlw sN¿p-¶-Xn\v ap¼pÅ kw`-h-§-fm-Wn-Xv. AXp-sIm­v CXn-s\-¡p-dn¨v IqSp-X AdnbnÃ. "]m¯p-½m-bpsS BSn' BWv CXv ]d-ªn-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. A\p-`-h-§fpw `mh-\bpw Iq«n-t¨À¯mWv _joÀ Fgp-Xn-bn-cp-¶-Xv. kXy-§-fmWv A[n-Iw.

6.     At±lw hoSv amdn-¯m-a-kn¨p F¶pw At¸mÄ D½sb IqsS Xma-kn-¸n-¡m-dp-s­¶pw ]d-bp-¶p. CXv kXy-amtWm?
·        ämä hnhmltijw hoSv amdn-¯m-a-kn-¨n-cp-¶p. AXv icn-bm-Wv. (Cu c­v tNmZy-§-fn-eqsS At±lw Xsâ PohnXw ]IÀ¯n-sh¨ ]¨-bmb a\p-jy-\m-bn-cp¶p F¶v F\n¡v t_m[y-am-bn.)  

*    Nirupam J.R (IX A)

7.     Cu NS-§n ]s¦-Sp-¡p-t¼mÄ F´p-tXm-¶p¶p?
·        \n§-fpsS Iem-]-cn-]m-Sn-IÄ I­-t¸mÄ Fsâ I®p-IÄ \nd-ªp-t]m-bn. ämä CsXm¶pw ImWm\nt¸mÄ CÃtÃm Ft¶mÀ¯p-t]m-bn.

*    Abel Mani (VIII A)

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Shashi Tharur remembers the late President APJ Kalam

Shashi Tharur remembers the late President APJ Kalam on the occasion of his first death anniversary on 28 July 2016  (reproduced from The New Indian Express)

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Monsoon Blues- and Reds and Greens. MS Paint spashes its paint bucket

During an ICT class, with the help of MS Paint, Vaishanvi M of Class V B sums up   what monsoon means to her. In  fifteen minutes.